It's hard to stop me from talking...

time to read 1 min | 162 words

Or so I have been told.

So, while I'm installing all the highly essential applications and configure Windows properly (running Windows Update now, which takes a while), I might as well spend some time talking about other stuff. My computer is down since Sunday, but only now I could get the time to do something about it. So, I'm having a wonderful time catching up on my feeds, I've ~400 messages to read, which is a bummer. I managed to keep up with my personal email, but not with the stuff that reached Gmail, so I'll have to look into that later. Oh, and 50 of those posts are Scoble's. Spooky.

Can someone please tell me why I have to reboot in order to install Windows Update?

I'll probably not finish it today, I now downloads the service pack, which would take forever and then a little bit more. That would teach me to install from an original CD.