Sharp Develop 2.0
I've had a fairly strong negative reaction to #Develop in the past, mostly because you really couldn't use if without the IDE started to throw exceptions and refusing to work (my pet peeve was the inability to create & rename new folders, an issue that often require a manual editing of the project file.)
I got a couple of recommendation about #Develop 2, which is currently only available from the Subversion repository (svn:// (or so I understand). I'm writing this review based on revision 619.
Over all, I've got a good feeling about it. The interface is much more proffesional, and it has a built in Boo.
Some things that I didn't like:
- Over eager highlighting and intellisense. It should give me a couple hundred milli seconds of wait before doing that, moving the cursor over the code is like watching fireworks :-)
- Search & Replace has improved tremendously, but I couldn't figure out how to do S&R using regular expressiong with replacing tagged text. In VS.Net, I can use:
seach text: url = {"[^"]+"}
replace with: DoGet(\1)
And it would replace url = "something" to DoGet("something")
The #Develop team has a blog here.
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