No longer a C++ programmer
The first time that I learned (rather than absorb) to program was in C++, and I liked it. I loved C++ with all its warts, the exception-aware programming, the resource allocation issues, the memory overflows, the leaks, etc. When I got .Net, I jumped on C# and didn't look back (much), I've no programmed in C++ in roughly four years.
Recently I needed to do a small application in C++, total final size 43 lines, and it took me nearly half a day. I had to unlearn a lot of stuff about .Net and relearn how to program in C++.
It took me nearly an hour to properly read from a text file, mainly because I kept trying to find the ReadLine() and ReadToEnd() and because of horrendous tool support (no ReSharper for C++, yuck!).
Anyway, I recall reading Effective C++ & More Effective C++ for fun, and Stroustrup was for bedtime reading.
I read C++ code with no problems, but I don't think that I can call myself a C++ programmer anymore, too many .Net insticts.
I'll need a refresher before I could honestly call myself a C++ programmer.
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