NHibernate Query Analzer - Yet Another Release

time to read 2 min | 256 words

I'm starting to really get what the XP group is talking about when they talk about always having shipping software, it's so much more fun to develop when you've something working to play with.

Anyway, I solved the problem with Remoting, seems that I didn't take into account that the object will live for 5 minutes and then die. I switched to singelton mode, and now everything is fine. This one is actually a pretty sever bug, since it means that you have to keep using NQA, otherwise it "age" and "die".

I also compiled NQA to .Net 2.0 Beta 2, which means that you should be able to it on project that were built using that version of the framework. I could really use some real world feedback on that, so if you've a .Net 2.0 project, I would love to know whatever this works.

I also did some stress testing, and it seems that once NQA get beyond the ~100 results per queries, there is a dramatic slowdown. There really isn't any good way to solve this, since NQA need to do quite a bit of work for each object (reflecting on it, generating properties, drawing it to the screen, etc.) The graph object that I'm using also take into account all the object that are currently on the graph, not just those that are displayed, which mean that the layout algorithm can take some time to run. I think that I'll implement paging and leave it at that.

The repository is updated and the download page is in its usual place.