NHibernate Query AnalyzerLazy Collections Works!

time to read 1 min | 99 words

That is a real biggie! Not only I was able to solve the problem, I was able to do that quite cleanly and elegantly.

The code that uses it doesn't even know that there is all sort of inter AppDomains communications, and I'm also closing the database connection fast, so if you forget NQA open, you're not wasting any precious connections :-)

Now I just need to fix some stuff regarding circular references, and I think that I'm all set to move to Nhiberante 0.9 and release a new version.

More posts in "NHibernate Query Analyzer" series:

  1. (03 Aug 2005) Lazy Collections Works!
  2. (02 Aug 2005) Playing with numbers
  3. (01 Aug 2005) Getting closeer & closer