MSDN vs. Google
Here is a small experiment, I want to read the documentation for IDispatchMessageInspector
- Go to Microsoft MSDN search page:
Load time: ~15 seconds or so - Put IDispatchMessageInspector in the search input field and hit go.
Load time: ~8 seconds - Go the second result:
Load time: too damn long!!
Just to give an idea, here is the wget output for this address:
=> `system.servicemodel.dispatcher.idispatchmessageinspector.aspx'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 122,022 (119K) [text/html]
100%[========================================================>] 122,022 5.74K/s ETA 00:00
01:00:12 (5.74 KB/s) - `system.servicemodel.dispatcher.idispatchmessageinspector.aspx' saved [122022/122022]
That is right, over a minute half a minute to download just the HTML content of a single page, over two minutes just to get the simplest page to load.
Let me contrast that with the comparable experience:
- Go to
Load time: faster than I can measure - Put IDispatchMessageInspector and hit enter
Load time: ~2 Seconds - Go to the first result's cached content
Load time: ~7 seconds
You know what the real sad part is? The google approach is faster than locally installed MSDN!
What are your computer's specs? I think local MSDN takes < 5 seconds from a cold start on mine: Raptor 10K 150GB, Core2 2.66GHz, 4GB DDR2.
I do agree that online MSDN is horribly slow, although not nearly as slow as you have noted. I'm guessing I'm a lot closer to the closest MSDN server than you are.
At the local DevDays, I recently asked Ingo Rammer if he had any idea why the MSDN site has (always?) been so painfully slow, knowing it's MS window to developers. You might want to show to (potential) users that your technology works, don't you? He couldn't come up with anything either but "probably no priority".
For me, it's a big showstopper. I sometimes find myself not wading through MSDN just because I know I will be spending minutes on searching just a small feature. Long live Google cache!
To be honest, I pity anyone not using a lightening fast machine with VS2005 or client MSDN. With a top-flight machine, VS2005 is pretty decent. Without... convert to Linux. :-p
Sooo much agreed. MSDN2 is definitely dog slow. Especially, when it tries to load the left side navigational Tree. Takes forever... Google definitely returns better results.
Right on!! I've thought the same thing!
A lot of people are missing the bit about google beating LOCAL MSDN search as well. Embarrasing to MS and freakin annoying to us devs.
Google MSDN search:
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