Integration Tests Vs. Ayende: Take N+1
Says the guy with the green build.
Here are some important tips:
- Reduce WatiN's default wait time (IE.Settings.WaitUntilExistsTimeOut). It is set by default to 30 seconds, and somethings will only work after it had waited the full period (usually wierd ajax stuff), I set it to 3 seconds and saw my tests really speeding up.
The whole things now runs in just over 6 minutes, which is great! - A major issue was trying to really understand what was going on, and taking into account that I am basically testing multi threaded code, so I have to be extra careful about syncornizations.
- Another thing to keep in mind is that the tests may faily without telling you why excatly they failed. I had a page that should redirect in the case of success, and throws an error on failure. The error that I got from the tests was that it waited too long for redirection (while the real issue was mismatching the FKs in the database). This is okay by me, those are inte
What really annoys me now is that I can't get CC.Net to keep the build history, for some reason it keeps just the last one. I have no idea what the cause of this was, but I am pretty sure that my configuration is correct. (CC.Net 1.2.1, freshly installed).
IE.Settings.WaitUntilExistsTimeOut you say? Mucho thank you!
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