C# 3.0: What you can do with extention methods
Take a look here, for some amazing stuff that you can do with C# 3.0 extention methods. The ability for a much clearer syntax is amazing.
Take a look here, for some amazing stuff that you can do with C# 3.0 extention methods. The ability for a much clearer syntax is amazing.
There are posts all the way to Feb 17, 2025
I thought you were going to link to this article on using ExpressionTrees to get Ruby symbol-like support: http://themechanicalbride.blogspot.com/2007/03/symbols-on-steroids-in-c.html. Also a good read.
Did you stumble across that link on my blog? I've had a comment from Wes who has promised to do some posts on the power of extension methods too... worth looking out for I suspect
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