RefactorMy.Presentations From Internal To Public

time to read 1 min | 193 words

It seems to me that I started to accomolate quite a few presentations, and in the spirit of not keeping stuff internal if I can make it public, I decided to publish them.

Here you can find all the public ones.

They are of varying quality, and are mostly used by me to keep me on track and not digress to interesting (but irrelevant) topics in mid talk.

Not suprisingly, most of them are about OR/M, specifically, Active Record and NHibernate. All the ones that start with "NHibernate " are from a course I gave on NHibernate nearly six months ago. The one about Active Record is from an internal presentation that I gave at work (not the one that I am going to give on Monday). There is also an Inversion of Control presentation that I never really had a chance to give for some reason, which I am particulary proud of.

Have fun, and if you intend to use this, I would like to get a link to any recording / video made.

More posts in "Refactor" series:

  1. (12 Dec 2018) Going to async I/O
  2. (10 Dec 2018) Do we need a security review?
  3. (07 Dec 2018) Implementing parsing
  4. (04 Dec 2018) Multi platform and Valgrind
  5. (03 Dec 2018) Choosing the next direction
  6. (30 Nov 2018) Giving good SSL errors to your client…
  7. (29 Nov 2018) Starting with an API
  8. (27 Nov 2018) Error handling is HARD, error REPORTING is much harder