Rules, Time, Hierarchies, Oh My!
I have been talking vaguely about time dependant stuff for quite a while, and I figure that it is about time to talk about some of the problems in a more concrete way. One of the things that I work on are time and hierarchy depednant rules.
For instnace, take the following rules structure:
All employees are allowed 3 paid lunch breaks, but managers are allowed 4. For the week of 10/09 - 16/09, Bob (a manager) got a benefit of as many paid lunches as he wants. (Yes, a silly example, but it shows the point.)
Now, let us say that we run a validation checks at the end of the month and find out that Bob reported of:
- 0 lunches on the week of 01/09 - 02/09
- 3 lunches on the week of 03/09 - 09/09
- 6 lunches on the week of 10/09 - 16/09
- 5 lucnhes on the week of 17/09 - 23/09
- 4 lunches on the week of 24/09 - 30/09
The results for this validation should are:
- 01/09 - 02/09 - OK
- 03/09 - 09/09 - OK
- 10/09 - 16/09 - OK
- 17/09 - 23/09 - Error, allowed 4 but had 5
- 24/09 - 30/09 - OK
How would you go about implementing such a thing?
I will discuss my implementation tomorrow.
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