Oren Eini

CEO of RavenDB

a NoSQL Open Source Document Database

Get in touch with me:

oren@ravendb.net +972 52-548-6969

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time to read 2 min | 320 words

I have previously stated that one of the things that I am looking for in a candidate is the actual candidate code. Now, I won’t accept “this is a project that I did for a client / employee”, and while it is nice to be pointed at a URL from the last project the candidate took part of, it is not a really good way to evaluate someone’s abilities.

Ideally, I would like to have someone that has an OSS portfolio that we can look at, but that isn’t always relevant. Instead, I decided to sent potential candidates the following:


I would like to give you a small project, and see how you handle that.

The task at hand is to build a website for Webinars questions. We run bi-weekly webinars for our users, and we want to do the following:

  • Show the users a list of our webinars (The data is here: http://www.youtube.com/user/hibernatingrhinos)
  • Show a list of the next few scheduled webinar (in the user’s own time zone)
  • Allow the users to submit questions, comment on questions and vote on questions for the next webinar.
  • Allow the admin to mark specific questions as answered in a specific webinar (after it was uploaded to YouTube).
  • Manage Spam for questions & comments.

The project should be written in C#, beyond that, feel free to use whatever technologies that you are most comfortable with.

Things that we will be looking at:

  • Code quality
  • Architecture
  • Ease of modification
  • Efficiency of implementation
  • Ease of setup & deployment

Please send us the link to a Git repository containing the project, as well as any instructions that might be necessary.

Thanks in advance,

     Oren Eini

This post will go live about two weeks after I started sending this to candidates, so I am not sure yet what the response would be.

time to read 2 min | 286 words

One of the things that I routinely get asked is how we design things. And the answer is that we usually do not. Most things does not require complex design. The requirements we set pretty much dictate how things are going to work. Sometimes, users make suggestions that turn into a light bulb moment, and things shift very rapidly.

But sometimes, usually with the big things, we actually do need to do some design upfront. This is usually true in complex / user facing part of our projects. The Map/Reduce system, for example, was mostly re-written  in RavenDB 2.0, and that only happened after multiple design sessions internally, a full stand alone spike implementation and a lot of coffee, curses and sweat.

In many cases, when we can, we will post a suggested design on the mailing list and ask for feedback. Here is an example of such a scenario:

In this case, we didn’t get to this feature in time for the 2.0 release, but we kept thinking and refining the approach for that.

The interesting things that in those cases, we usually “design” things by doing the high level user visible API and then just let it percolate. There are a lot of additional things that we would need to change to make this work (backward compatibility being a major one), so there is a lot of additional work to be done, but that can be done during the work. Right now we can let it sit, get users’ feedback on the proposed design and get the current minor release out of the door.

time to read 4 min | 727 words

We actually pair quite a lot, either physically (most of our stations have two keyboards & mice for that exact purpose) or remotely (Skype / Team Viewer).

2013-01-27 14.05.24 HDR

And yet, I would say that for the vast majority of cases, we don’t pair. Pairing is usually called for when we need two pairs of eyes to look at a problem, for non trivial debugging and that is about it.

Testing is something that I deeply believe in, at the same time that I distrust unit testing. Most of our tests are actually system tests. That test the system end to end. Here is an example of such a test:

public void CanProjectAndSort()
    using(var store = NewDocumentStore())
        using(var session = store.OpenSession())
            session.Store(new Account
                Profile = new Profile
                    FavoriteColor = "Red",
                    Name = "Yo"
        using(var session = store.OpenSession())
            var results = (from a in session.Query<Account>()
                           .Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResults())
                           orderby a.Profile.Name
                           select new {a.Id, a.Profile.Name, a.Profile.FavoriteColor}).ToArray();

            Assert.Equal("Red", results[0].FavoriteColor);

Most of our new features are usually built first, then get tests for them. Mostly because it is more efficient to get things done by experimenting a lot without having tests to tie you down.

Decision making is something that I am trying to work on. For the most part, I have things that I feel very strongly about. Production worthiness is one such scenario, and I get annoyed if something is obviously stupid, but a lot of the time decisions can fall into the either or category, or are truly preferences issues. I still think that too much goes through me, including things that probably should not.  I am trying to encourage things so I wouldn’t be in the loop so much. We are making progress, but we aren’t there yet.

Note that this post is mostly here to serve as a point of discussion. I am not really sure what to put in here, the practices we do are pretty natural, from my point of view. And I would appreciate any comments asking for clarifications.

time to read 1 min | 172 words

As part of this series, I wanted to take the time and let you know that we are hiring full time developers again.

This is applicable solely for developers in Israel.

We are working with C# (although I’ll admit that sometime we make it scream a little bit:


Candidate should be able to provide a project (and preferably more than one) that we can look at to see their code. It has got to be your code. It is ain’t yours (if it is code that you wrote for an employer, or if it is a university code project) I don’t wanna see it.

We are talking about a full time employee position, working on RavenDB, Uber Profiler, RavenFS and a bunch of other stuff that I don’t want to talk about yet.

Ping me with your CV if you are interested.

time to read 2 min | 377 words

The development workflow refers to how a developer decides what to do next, how tasks are organized, assigned and worked on.

Typically, we dedicate a lot of the Israeli’s team time to doing ongoing support and maintenance tasks. So a lot of the work are things that show up on the mailing lists. We usually triage them to one of four levels:

  • Interesting stuff that is outside of core competencies, or stuff that is nice to have that we don’t have resources for. We would usually handle that by requesting a pull request, or creating a low priority issue.
  • Feature requests / ideas – usually go to the issuer tracker and wait there until assigned / there is time to do them.
  • Bugs in our products – depending on severity, usually they are fixed on the spot, sometimes they are low priority and get to the issue tracker.
  • Priority Bugs – usually get to the top of the list over anything and everything else.

It is obviously a bit more complex, because if we are working on a particular area already, we usually also take the time to cover the easy-to-do stuff from the issue tracker.

Important things:

  • We generally don’t pay attention to releases, unless we have one pending for a product (for example, upcoming stable release for RavenDB).
  • We don’t usually try to prioritize issues. Most of them are just there, and get picked up by whoever gets them first.

We following slightly different workflows for Uber Prof & RavenDB. With Uber Prof, every single push generate a client visible build, and we have auto update to make sure that most people run on the very latest.

With RavenDB, we have the unstable builds, which is what every single push translates to, and the stable builds, which have a much more involved release process.

We tend to emphasize getting things out the door over the Thirteen Steps to Properly Release Software.

An important rule of thumb, if you are still the office by 7 PM, you have better showed up at 11 or so, just because zombies are cool nowadays doesn’t mean you have to be one. I am personally exempted from the rule, though.

Next, I’ll discuss pairing, testing and decision making.

time to read 2 min | 236 words

I was asked to comment a bit on our internal practices in Hibernating Rhinos. Before I can do that, I have to explain about how we are structured.

  • The development team in Israel compose the core of the company.
  • There are additional contractors that do work in Poland, the states and the UK.

We rarely make distinctions between locations for work, although obviously we have specializations. Samuel is our go to guy for “Make things pretty” and “Silverlight hairloss”, for example, Arek is the really good in pointing to the right direction when there is a problem, and so on.

We currently have the following projects in place:

  • RavenDB
  • Uber Profiler
  • RavenFS
  • License / Orders Management
  • RavenDB.Net
  • HibernatingRhinos.com
  • ayende.com

Note that this is probably a partial list. And you might have noticed that I also included internal stuff, because that is also work, and something that we do.

In general, there isn’t a lot of “you work on this, or you work on that”, although again, there are areas of specialization. Fitzchak has been doing a lot of the work on Uber Prof, and Daniel is spending a lot of time on the RavenDB Studio. That doesn’t mean that tomorrow you wouldn’t find Fitzchak hacking on RavenDB indexes or Pawel working on exporting the profiler data to excel, and so on.

Next, I’ll discuss how we deal with the development workflow.


  1. RavenDB 7.1: Next-Gen Pagers - 5 days from now
  2. RavenDB 7.1: Write modes - 7 days from now
  3. RavenDB 7.1: Reclaiming disk space - 9 days from now
  4. RavenDB 7.1: Shared Journals - 12 days from now

There are posts all the way to Feb 17, 2025


  1. Challenge (77):
    03 Feb 2025 - Giving file system developer ulcer
  2. Answer (13):
    22 Jan 2025 - What does this code do?
  3. Production post-mortem (2):
    17 Jan 2025 - Inspecting ourselves to death
  4. Performance discovery (2):
    10 Jan 2025 - IOPS vs. IOPS
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